
Whether you are in an opposite or same sex relationship, you and your partner are able to jointly apply to adopt a child. You can also adopt if you are single.

During the adoption process, the welfare of any child being placed with the prospective couple is, of course, of paramount concern. If successful, an Adoption Order is made resulting in you and your partner acquiring the rights and responsibilities in respect of bringing up the child.

The procedure for adopting a child through an adoption agency can be gruelling and slow with a detailed investigation being carried out into the prospective adopters’ lives to ensure their suitability.

Here at A City Law Firm, our dedicated and sensitive team of Family Solicitors will guide you through the arduous process of adoption and can either act on your behalf or provide ad hoc meetings to guide you through the process. We will submit the relevant Court applications and, should you require it, represent you at Court.

Our approach:

Our family team know how important your family is and this is a very important journey. Our specialist team are here for you every step of the way with a combined experience of over 30years. We offer concise , proactive and sensitive advice.

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